PWG-02 Catalog Series 1965 Mai Tai Glass

PWG-02 Catalog Series 1965 Mai Tai Glass
($14.99 per glass) We hope that you enjoy our second offfering in our signature William Westenhaver catalog series. This official Witco Decor Mai Tai glass holds 15 oz of your favorite beverage. By 1965, William Westenhaver, was at the helm of Witco Decor and taking the design and furniture market by storm. This vintage artwork is comprised of his original sketches, loaded with his design ideas for new Witco art in 1965. As you spin the glass, you will see tikis, abstract shapes, viking ships, and many gorgeous tapa patterns. These are durable Libby glasses with high quality printing, made in USA. Shipping to 50 states will be a flat rate of $9.99 for one glass, $12.99 for two, $14.99 for three and $18.99 for four glasses. Please email for international shipping quotes. Please do not copy Witco Decor designs, in any form, without written permission ©Pleasant Tiki ®Witco Decor .